29/06/2017 What a great way for Crown Paints to kick off it’s support for Hull UK City of Culture 2017. https://www.buildingtalk.com/crown-paints-celebrates-the-history-of-hull-in-culture-project/

29/06/2017 What a great way for Crown Paints to kick off it’s support for Hull UK City of Culture 2017. https://www.buildingtalk.com/crown-paints-celebrates-the-history-of-hull-in-culture-project/
20/06/2017 A big thank you to Terex Finlay for the International Open Day in Edinburgh! Now getting ready to put together video, in-house magazine copy and press articles for Finlay Group, based on the visit.
08/06/2017 Here’s our brilliant press kit that we are using to promote our client, Innsbruck Tourism, to the UK media. It’s filled with facts and useful information for journalists. Check it out by clicking the image below.