18/05/2016 Some great coverage today in The Times in print and online referencing the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Online subscribers can view the story here.

18/05/2016 Some great coverage today in The Times in print and online referencing the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Online subscribers can view the story here.
12/05/2016 Delighted to secure national coverage of the GEM 2015 report with Professor Mark Hart of Aston Business School. Read more on The Telegraph website.
12/05/2016 Immigrants are more likely to start their own business than people born and brought up in the UK, according to new figures. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) UK Report analysed early-stage start-up activity as part of an in-depth study into entrepreneurial trends, attitudes and aspirations in 2015. It found people who live in the […]
11/05/2016 The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 UK report, which compares entrepreneurial activity, attitudes and aspirations in the UK, Germany and the US, is being launched tomorrow. Journalists wanting a copy of the embargoed press release please contact jane@shepherd-pr.com